Our 1st company in the Series of best stocks below Rs. 100 in India 2021 is Shree DIgvijay Cement Co. Ltd.
Let’s start with the Company profile
Company Profile :
Shree Digvijay Cement Company is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of cement. They Started operation in india 1944 at the coastal township of Digvijay (Sikka) in Jamnagar District of Gujrat. This company have ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18000 certified plant. This company have 300 employees. and have a Gujarat-wide network of over 1,000 Channel Partners selling Cement under the Brand Name “KAMAL CEMENT”.
Now Let’s check the important fundamental figures of this company. This is a small cap company with Market Cap 1185cr. We can check more fundamental details below in depth:
Company Fundamental Detail :
PE Ratio: 20.68
Sector PE Ratio: 23.71
PE Ratio of this company is low than Sector’s PE. So it’s a Good PE than the peers of this company.
PB Ratio : 4.17
Sector PB Ratio : 3.22
PB Ratio of this company is above than Sector’s PB ratio. So it’s below average PB than the peers of this company.
Dividend Yield : 2.74%
Sector Dividend Yield : 1.57%
Dividend Yield of this company is above than Sector. So it’s Above average than the peers of this company.
ROE: 17.35
ROCE: 25.81
ROE (Return on equity) and ROCE (Return on capital equity) is Average
According to above data, this company is looking fundamentally good. Now We’ll check the company Financially data:
Company Financial Detail
Year | Revenue(cr.) | Profit(cr.) |
2021 | 509.14 | 53.97 |
2020 | 472.10 | 56.46 |
2019 | 441.10 | 2.04 |
2018 | 419.72 | 13.36 |
You can see the company growth clearly in the above table, in 2019 Net profit was 2.04 Cr. only then in 2020, It was 2.04 Cr. to 56.46 Cr. and in 2021, it is 53.97.
We should check now liabilities of company also in the below table
Total Current & Non Current Liabilities
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
120.66 | 103.38 | 140.23 | 132.02 |
Liabilities of a company refers to the debt of that company. We should also aware the debt of company. In 2021, Company have 120.66 Cr. debt.
Let’s check the Free Cash flow of the company
Free Cash flow
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
67.02 | 77.48 | -18.96 | 86.23 |
From the above table, All Debt of the company can be repay by the free cash flow and 1yr profit. So the company doesn’t have too much debt which is also sign of a good company.
We should also check the Share Holding patterns of the company.
Share Holding Pattern
Promotor Holding | Foreign Institution | Retail & Others | |
Jun 2021 | 56.65% | 0.24% | 43.11% |
Mar 2021 | 56.80% | 0% | 43.19% |
Dec 2020 | 56.87% | 0% | 43.12% |
Sep 2020 | 56.96% | 0% | 43.03% |
Above table showing there is no big change in Promotors holding which is 56.65% in June 2021. FIIs started investing in June 2021 with 0.24% and retail investor is 43.11% .
Now We’ll check the return of the company, This company started from Rs. 15 at 21 Aug 2019. This company given 462.13% returns in only two years from 2019 to 30 July 2021.

According to its historical performance we can predict stock target.
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Entry Buying Zone : Premium members can see only
Target: Premium members can see only
Time Horizon:Premium members can see only
Risk Profile: Premium members can see only
Entry Buying Zone : 80 to 85
Target: 120 (50% Upside)
Time Horizon: 1 Year
Risk Profile: High Risk (Stock is 2.71x as volatile as Nifty)
Hope you liked our 1st episode of best stock below Rs. 100 in 2021. We tried to cover many important things about this company, if you think anything left to cover, you can comment us and we’ll try to cover those things also.
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